Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Guitar 1 (12-string)
Acoustic Guitar (nylon]

Guitar 2
Tango Accordion

Guitar 3 (12-string w/capo 7th fret)
Acoustic Guitar (nylon]

Guitar 4
Tango Accordion

Acoustic Bass

Electric Guitar (muted]

Muted Trumpet
On a dark des ert high way cool wind in my hair warm smell of co li tas ris in\' up through_the air, up a head in the dis tance I saw a shim mer ing light, my head grew hea vy and my sight grew dim, I had to stop for the night. There_she_stood in_the_door_way, heard_the mis sion_bell, I was thin king to my self this could_be hea ven or this could_be hell, then she lit up a can dle and she showed me the way, there_were_voic es down_the_cor_ri_dor, thaught_I_heard them_say: \"Wel come to the Ho tel Ca li for nia, such_a love ly place, such_a love ly face. Plen_ty_of room at the Ho tel Ca li for nia, a ny time of the_year you can find it here. Her_mind_is_tiffany_twisted she got a mercedes_benz, she got a_lot_of_pretty,_pretty_boys, that she calls friends, how they dance in the court yard sweet sum mer sweat, some dance to re mem ber, some dance to for get. So I called up the caption: \"Please_bring_me_my_wine.\"_He_said: \"We haven\'t had that spi rit here since nine teen six ty nine.\" And still those_voices_are_calling_from fa ar a way, wake_up in the mid dle of the night just to hear them say: \"Wel come to the Ho tel Ca li for nia, such_a love ly place, such_a love ly face. Liv in\' it up_at_the Ho tel Ca li for nia, what_a nice sur prise, bring_your a li bis. Mirrors on the ceiling, pink_champangne_on_ice,_and_she_said: \"We are all just prisoners_here of our own de - vice.\" And in the mas ter\'s cham bers they gath ered for the feast, stab it with their stee-ly knifes but they just can\'t kill the beast. Last thing I re mem_ber I was run ning for the door, I had to find the pas sage back to the place I was be fore. \"Re lax\" said the night man, \"We are pro grammed to receive, you_can_check_out_any_time you like, but you can nev er leave.\"